I've never seen Braveheart in my life. There. I said it. So, I didn't really know anything about William Wallace, or the battles he fought it, but I followed about half of the group up to the monument anyway, because it looked like a nice little hike. I'm so thankful that I did though, because it provided an awesome view of Stirling and surrounding areas, and it was a perfectly beautiful day in Scotland. I've noticed that the clouds here are particularly fluffy (on sunny days) and the sky is SO blue. Photographs end up looking like they've been edited with the contrast turned way up, which I just cannot seem to get enough of. There was a 6 pound fee to travel up tot the top of the monument, which we all felt was a bit steep, so we opted just to sit on the benches and enjoy the scenery. There was a reenactment around the side of the monument with someone playing a soldier in Wallace's army. Apparently, Wallace really was a huge, burly man, and was over 6 feet tall. After we returned to Pollock halls I attempted to watch the film and fell asleep about 2 hours in...I guess I'm just not meant to ever watch Braveheart after all.
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